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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Safety - the stop/go game

This morning we were out for a stroll in the park. We had a very bouncy ball with us and were enjoying throwing it about in the basketball court when it went under the fence. Neither me nor my husband had noticed there was a hole in the fence which led to a busy road and before we knew it our boy was through it after his ball. Absolute panic flooded my body and my instinct made me shout ´STOP´. And, he stopped. Both of us ran and got to him because he stopped. If he hadn´t, we may be having a very different afternoon.

We praised him but tried not to make too big a deal of it so as not to scare him.

And why did he stop? Because we practice this all the time. Whenever we leave the house we play some version of the stop/go game. Its fun, we laugh and he has unknowingly learnt a life saving skill.

I certainly would never put this to the test but today he proved that this method does work and even if he had started running again, that pause was enough for us to get to him.

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