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Friday, September 7, 2018

Home education

We have decided to home educate our boys.

It's been a tough decision but one we feel is right for our family right now.
Both boys are so happy with the decision and are putting great efforts into their work. We are using a relaxed approach aiming to cover the UK and Brazilian national curriculum. (UK curriculum can be found here).

So far our days go at their pace but cover reading and phonics, handwriting/creative writing, maths (we're using maths mammoth), science (animal studies, microscope work, human body, life cycles, trees and plants and anything else that comes up - so far, weather, how things are made), history (we use Story of the World - followed by drawing and narrating the story, which I note down and keep in a folder together with the drawings), they have a football/sports class once a week and go swimming a few times a week. Other subjects are incorporated into everyday learning and in general we visit the library once a week.

The big question that we have been asked repeatedly over the past months is 'what about socialisation?' Well, we have play dates several times a week, they have football club, they are out in society more for everyday errands and they communicate with a wider range of people than they would if they were at school all day. We are teaching them respect and confidence through real life activities and giving them peer opportunities as often as we can. They are still young so this could become an issue further down the line but at this point they have no complaints regarding the amount of time with friends.

Below are a few of the materials we are using to make school fun (affiliate links). 
We would love to hear your thoughts both from other home educators and those in the mainstream system. What would be/are your worries/concerns? How do you cope with your decision for education? 
Please leave us a comment below and be sure to follow our daily homeschool journey over on instagram