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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sleep at 8 months

We have had a huge breakthrough with sleep. 

As our little man was getting off the mattress so often I decided to speak to my good friend and colleague. She suggested we use a bigger mattress. We had a double mattress in the spare room and bingo it works! Our little guy is sleeping 8 hours straight every night.

To go to bed he has a large bottle (around 200ml) and falls asleep around 7.30. He wakes around 3.30am and is usually really wet including his pyjamas and sometimes his sleepy bag. I have tried so many brands of nappy but all seem to have the same effect so I guess I will have to change him during the night until he is well established with the toilet training. At 3.30 he also has a small feed (about 50mls) but I am slowly weaning him off this as I would like him to go 10 hours at night (although this may not happen until he is over a year old). He goes back to sleep quickly after his milk and usually stays asleep until around 6am then he has a small bottle (around 100ml) before getting up for breakfast.

We are much more relaxed about naps now as he usually sleeps for over an hour at a time. If he sleeps in the car we don’t worry too much but we also try to give him at least one nap in his bed so that he keeps a nice routine (but as life happens this isn’t always possible).

Sleep has been one of our major issues from the start as it is so important for everyone and getting to this point has been totally worth all the work we have put in over the last few months. We are all feeling much more rested and able to enjoy family life even more as we are not missing anything by yawning so much!

How has your sleep journey been? Are you out the other end of the sleepless nights tunnel or have you had a super breakthrough at a certain point? Let us know... 

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