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Friday, October 5, 2012

Sleep at 7 months

Things have changed. 
My boy is now having his teeth brushed before going to sleep and this has been a little tricky to get into his routine as it wakes him from his drowsy milk slumber and he is pretty unhappy about it all. However we are persisting and once brushed we put him into bed and leave him to fall asleep alone. As he is now on the go he often gets off his mattress a couple of times but we silently go back in and put him back on then leave the room again. Usually this is repeated once or twice and he falls off to sleep within five minutes or so. I no longer have to sit beside him or pick him up to get him off to sleep. 

During the night he still wakes a few times but he no longer cries. We just put him back on his mattress if he comes off or cover him and leave the room and he goes back to sleep. He was waking 3 or 4 times and having one feed but is now waking once or twice still having one feed. We are feeling more positive about his sleep patterns and getting a little more sleep ourselves.

Naps have changed too! 

He has lengthened his naps to anywhere from 1 hour to 1 ½ hours and goes to sleep quickly alone. I often have to go in once or twice to put him back on his mattress but he is usually asleep within 10 minutes of putting him in his room. I now read a quick story to him before putting him in bed and this settles him although I am careful to watch for irritable signs and cut the story short if I see he’s too tired. He has 2 naps now and sometimes a catnap when we are in the car or out for our walk. These longer naps leave him much more rested and he is able to stay awake for up to 3 hours between naps and goes to bed 10 to 15 minutes later and is getting up in the morning any time after 6. 

We feel that great progress is being made and we have hope for a full night’s sleep in the near future!

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