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Friday, October 7, 2016

To my youngest son on the eve of his third birthday

To my youngest son on the eve of his third birthday.

Tomorrow you will be three, and buried deep among all the excitement, presents, party preparation and pure hyper-ness, lies a small feeling of sadness. 

It's tiny and it's all mine. 

But when I wake up tomorrow I will no longer be a mother to a baby. When we get up, you will be three.

For me that means no more nappies, day time naps or two year old tantrums (which, lets face it, are much more acceptable than the ones that are on their way)!

Tomorrow I will have two boys and the baby phase will really be over. (Yes, I know it's a long time since you were a baby, but I could almost convince myself you still squeezed into the baby category while you were two)!

Now don't get me wrong, I am equally excited about your day and I will be jumping alongside you all the way. I am looking forward to the next stage.

But, just for tonight, and quietly to myself, I will wallow in your two year old-ness and tomorrow we begin a new adventure together.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. There are many moments like this for us mummies and daddies xxx

  2. Couldn't have said it better! Just having that tiny moment of sadness as I tucked my 2 year old into bed knowing tomorrow is a big day for him turning 3! Xxx

  3. Zoe you are so sweet. The way you love your boys is so precious.
