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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Whatsapp for education

As the owner of a small part time business, which allows me to work flexi hours, I have the privilege of being a full time ‘at home’ mum right now. I love to fill our days with fun, educational games and activities. We watch very little TV and as my background is in early childhood education, I’m always thinking of ways to teach my sons more about the world they live in.

So, you can imagine my delight when a good friend of mine invited me to a whatsapp group with other like-minded parents.

I joined the group last month and I’ve seen it grow to presently include 14 members. We are from all ends of the world and speak an array of languages. All the children speak English but not necessarily as their first or even second language!

We use the group as a way to swap ideas and information around the theme of education for young children. We send links to resources that may help each other and the children send each other pictures of their work, projects or games (with their parents help of course). The children also speak to each other using voice messages and this was very special for my youngest son this week as he turned two and received many birthday greetings from his international friends.

Recently we began sharing videos of the children carrying out activities and the response has been so inspirational. Both parents and children have found a new interest in parts of the world motivating the learning of new languages, geography and cultures. It is a very present exchange of ideas and information, which has become a big part of our learning environment. After a skype call with a family in Spain, my eldest son wanted to learn some Spanish words and we looked at a map of Spain to find where his new friends live. We then went on to have a flag activity where both boys enjoyed making sticker flags of their own countries and of their new friends.

For me, the group has given me confidence to do more and more with my boys and I feel so supported by all the other parents. There is a huge positive vibe from the other parents and it is really inspiring, not just for me, but for my family as a whole.

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