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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

COMPETITION - your chance to win


It's competition time here at Baby Steps to Independence.

As this weeks post looked at our success story of sleeping through the night we want to help one lucky reader to get the sleep they and their baby deserve.

We are giving away a copy of Tracy Hogg's (aka: The Baby Whisperer) top tips to SLEEP

Here at Baby Steps to Independence our top tip is consistency. Whatever you do to help your baby sleep do the same thing every time so they can become familiar with what is expected at sleeptime.

For your chance to win simply write your top sleep tip in the comment section below (in any language), once you have done this you can get a second entry by liking us on facebook at:

Entries must be in by Wednesday 12th December and the winner will be announced on Friday 15th December. Good Luck!!!


  1. Great! Can friends of the family also try their chances?

    If so, our top sleep tip is to watch with him Color Crew or Thomas and Friends. But now I realize that we have also consistency, since we do that everyday.

    Bye Bye,

    Arthur, Cleu and Mario

    1. Baby Steps to IndependenceNovember 28, 2012 at 9:33 AM

      Anyone can enter and thank you for your top tip :)

  2. My Little boy (11 month), still waking up. i try to avoid to many naps, now he is having 1 nap after lunch for 2 hrs which is helping a lot. I give his dinner at 6:00 pm and the Last bottle of the day (260mm) at 8:30 and falling sleep at 9:30 maximun, then no more bottle until 7:30 am when he waking up saying Te te (bottle) he just said Yestarday for first time. I love it.xx

  3. Baby Steps to IndependenceNovember 30, 2012 at 11:26 PM

    wow, sounds like he is doing great. Thanks for your top tip :)

  4. Rodrigo dorme muito bem. Acorda de vez em quando no meio da noite mas por pouco tempo. Antes de dormir, ele toma seu leite e lemos juntos um livrinho, ai vai para o berço, chora um pouquinho mas ficamos junto com ele até ele pegar no sono, o que normalmente acontece em 5 minutos...Então, minha dica é acalmar ele com uma história e depois ficar um pouco com ele para se sentir seguro (sempre com as luzes apagadas!)

  5. Baby Steps to IndependenceDecember 14, 2012 at 8:34 AM

    Otimo 'top tip' Walter, obrigada

  6. Baby Steps to IndependenceDecember 14, 2012 at 9:41 PM

    And the winner is...

    We allowed our little man to pick the winning ticket and he pulled out ...

    Silvia Mas
    Please email us your full name and address so we can get the prize on it's way to you before Christmas.
