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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Play time - Toys and activities

What do you play with someone so small?

We have found our guy loves anything. We haven’t really bought him many toys yet as he is just as intrigued by a cardboard tube as he is with an expensive interactive toy. I have made him many small toys out of felt which he can take everywhere and are great in the car. He is fascinated by them and enjoys the different colours. When he was tiny I hung them from a mobile and now he’s older he can hold them in his hands. I have also knitted him a couple of sheep and rabbits which are safe for him to put in his mouth and also give different textures.

He enjoys any made up games which make him laugh. I made finger puppets and invent stories and songs. This is fun for our boy but for us too and wet Saturday afternoons can turn into long theatre sessions! We have found he loves anything where we use different sounds and animal noises. Sometimes we imitate the dog barking or the birds tweeting and then show him the animals when we’re out playing.

The mobile is brilliant as you can put almost anything on it while they are tiny and not able to pull the things down. I put leaves up for him one day and another day feathers and seeds we had found when out for a walk. I’m looking forward to collecting things with him when he’s bigger and having a nature box or something for his new found treasures!

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