So much technology is present in our children´s lives that it can be a full time job just verifying which is positive or negative for your child. I am always wary of letting my boys use technology as they are still so young and I want them to experience life naturally. This said, technology is part of life these days and I want them to be familiar with it. So how do we manage this balance?
We watch a bit of tv or cartoons online. This is great as I have full control of what they watch and no nasty advertising companies can brainwash my kids!

We read e-books (as well as traditional books). There are some really interesting books out there and my toddler has got into the osborne first readers (obviously he doesn´t read yet but the books are short enough for him to enjoy and are very well illustrated).
Today we used The boys have a picture book about vehicles and in it there is a picture of a rocket. My toddler came to me saying ´plane, plane´, so I explained it was a rocket. We then made a rocket out of a cardboard and enjoyed playing in the garden zooming it to the moon. Later, I asked him if he would like to see a rocket and found this great video of a shuttle launch. He was captivated!
It´s important to be careful about the content of what children see and how they use technology but if it is well supervised and not overused, the use of technology can be an amazing asset to teaching your children. The modern world is advancing faster than most of us could imagine and our children are right in the centre of it. I feel I have to help my children to responsibly use technology to their benefit and hope they enjoy all the other aspects of life too!
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