Here are our favorites!
Kanoodle jr is a fun game with plenty of 'levels' for the kids to work through. The pieces are big and chunky so hard to loose and the games are fast so turn taking isn't a problem.
Pairs in pears and bananagrams are very similar and have a few variations that can be used depending on reading level. We sometimes just see how many words we can make.
Rush hour is one that I really enjoy and again has plenty of 'levels' so even adults can have a challenge. We usually work as a team to solve the traffic jam.
Shapeometry is fun but still a bit hard for the boys but they manage a few of the first levels and enjoy making weird pictures or shapes with the pieces. Me and my husband have been known to have a few games after the boys are in bed and we can get quite competitive!
If you have any good suggestions for us, please leave a comment below.
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