Parenting is hard
Heard it, thought it, felt it, right?
But, this is also the best moment of my life and it took me a little while to figure that out.
You get pregnant and there are so many celebrations and, that rush you get each time you tell anyone. But then the nausea starts. And you think, 'once this phase is done, it's gonna be great'. And for a while it is, until you get too big to be comfortable. Then you think 'once the baby is born...' Oh yeah BIRTH.
Then, the sleepless nights.
If you're lucky enough to have a baby who sleeps through the night you can just stop reading right now. But if you're not one of the lucky ones (and we are many) then I can sympathize with how tough it can be. So tired. There is no comparison. And the worst part is, you don't even want any help. Just a few hours sleep. And you think once the baby sleeps through the night things will get back to being perfect.
It goes on and on.
But do you know what?
This is the perfect. Every second. I promise, you won't remember how tired you were. You won't remember the foul nappies and puke covered tops. You'll remember gummy smiles and a snuggling baby as they feed. You'll remember how only you could calm them down and how you held them even closer in the middle of the night. And one day, you'll miss it.
Then they grow.
The two year old tantrums. The three year old tantrums (that will just about destroy you).
But do you know what you're gonna remember?
The first time they say something. The laugh. The huge smile they give you when they didn't see you for half an hour. The smell of cookies, apples, and grass all mixed up in their hair. And the bedtime snuggles with books.
Then they grow more. They are them. How did that happen? Where did the tiny baby go? Now they are proud when they achieve something. They strive to be more. They ride bikes and read and so many other things.
But once in a while they still need me. They still like a bedtime snuggle and to hear their favorite book. They still enjoy sharing their news and discoveries. I'm still very much important in their eyes.
Parenting is hard. But it's also the best time of our lives.
So, revel in their smallness, hold them tight and fall asleep smiling that this is the best moment of being. Because before we know, it'll have passed and they will be bigger.
But for sure, life will still be perfect. How could it not?
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Monday, July 24, 2017
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Hex Bug Projects
Hex bug Lego maze. Simple Lego board and regular pieces to make a maze the Hex bug will walk around.
The boys also made little box habitats to keep their bugs safe!
Hex bug drawing bot. Three pens, a chunk of blu tac and an elastic band is all you need to make your own robot that draws! The mostly draw in circles but if you rearrange the pens slightly to different heights they will do some wobbly lines too!
Check out videos of the drawing and maze over on Instagram #independent-individuals #independentindividuals
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