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Saturday, March 29, 2014

A year of language

Our eldest son is now 2 years and 2 months old and has suddenly burst into speech! Every day there are new words and phrases in both English and Portuguese. I decided to capture some of these as it really is amazing to hear your little person speak.
Just before his second birthday he said his first two word sentence and since then he´s increased his vocabulary daily and has even begun to speak in his second language (which is mostly thanks to nursery). We went to an aquarium and he was in his element running around all the displays looking at all the different sea creatures. When we came to the tunnel with the turtles (still his favorite animal) he was just so excited and shouted "bye bye turtle" probably around 300 times! Priceless!

Now is the moment to expose him to language and help him to develop his language (yes we each have our own and its a very personal journey).
I am watching him work out word order. As he has two languages he knows that sometimes the noun comes before the adjective but sometimes it´s the other way around. He ofter asks me by saying something like... "brother baby, baby brother". I then give him the example in English "baby brother" and he goes off repeating it several times.
Each week I will add a word, sentence or phrase (more for my benefit than anyone elses)! I hope you enjoy his quirky little ways :)
Week 1: "Tanta coisa" (so many things). After overhearing his teacher speaking to one of the girls in his class saying she had so many things in her hands he repeated "tanta coisa". They were very excited at nursery as it was the first thing he had said and they said it was just so natural. For the whole afternoon while he played at home he repeated the phase. Now, a few weeks later he looks at me and says "mummy, tanta coisa" with a big grin on his face!
Week 2: "Name puppy Barney". For months he has been calling our dog "puppy". Every day my husband says to him ´your puppy´s name is Barney´. Today he was in the back of the car and said "mummy, name puppy Barney". When he said it to my husband later on he was driven to emotion that his son could finally say the dog´s name!
Week 3: "ohhh, car coming". I am guilty of this phrase! I´m very intent on teaching him road safety and every time we go for a walk I make sure he stops and comes to me when a car is coming. He has to hold my hand then we wait until the car has passed and he can walk alone again. Tonight as we were driving home, he was looking out the window and with every car coming in our direction said "oooh, car coming". I admit is was hilarious as it was rush hour so you can imagine the amount of cars on the road!

Week 4: "baby read, ready baby" after finishing a book he wants to share it with his brother and gives him the book while he gets another one to read - very cute!

Week 5: "butterfly cry, cloud cry, raining" after a week of illness in our house and quite a bit of TV downtime, this phrase appeared. It was his interpretation of a clip from Pocoyo (his new favorite cartoon).

Week 6: "Help me, mummy" this week´s phrase came from tidy up time. Every day I ask the boys to help me tidy up the toys. One evening this week I was preparing dinner and asked my son to start tidying up. After a minute he came up to me pulling me towards the toys so I asked him what he needed to which he replied ´help me mummy´ (which came out a bit more like "´elp me, mummy"!

Week 7: "down up" or "get up, down" Every time he sees someone get up or down or leave the table we have some variation of up/down get up/down. I think hes working out which is up and which is down!

Week 8: "Give it to you" meaning give it to ME! Love this one so much hope it lasts a while.

Week 9: "Mummy funny" meaning mummy´s laughing

Week 10: "Put it off" meaning take it off.

Week 11: "Not, no way" Basically any form of NO comes in this beautiful sentence!

Week 12: "Dinosaur coming" any noise has become a dinosaur coming in our house!

Week 13: "play wif Barney" this is said frequently throughout the day as he love to play in the garden with our dog Barney.

Week 14: "Sing the Song mummy" If he´s tired he asks for the song which is a lullaby I hum when putting the baby to bed which has now become the general cue to sleep in our house. (another of my favorites)!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Sleep - toddler and baby and the juggling act!

Sleep is a reoccurring topic here at Baby Steps. I´m sure there are a lot of readers who feel like we do - sleep is vital! Not just for the children but for us as parents too.
Now that our 2 year old is settled into nursery, we are seeing a better sleep pattern from him. We have had a few full nights and others with just one brief night  waking. We have, however, had to limit his nap to just one hour. We found that when he slept longer in the day he was taking a long time to fall asleep and waking more frequently at night. I guess somewhere during this year he may drop this nap completely (ahhh then what will I do)?
Our (almost) 6 month old has learnt that we go out of sight and he doesn´t like it one bit! At 3 months he was sleeping very well even full nights or just one night waking around 4am for a feed. At the 4 month sleep regression (where babies learn to fall asleep by themselves) we noticed he was beginning to wake more frequently and looking to feed each time. For the first two days I fed him, assuming he must be going through a growth spurt, but he began to wake even more often. I went on a sleep research frenzy and came across the no-cry sleep solution by Elizabeth Pantley. The book is designed to very gently and gradually help your baby to sleep all night. As he had been a good sleeper and I knew he was waking for comfort not hunger, I searched the book and found a very important tip that I had never heard before. Never let the baby suck to sleep - whether bottle, dummy or breast feeding. Ok, so how do you stop this once its a habit? By letting baby suck until they are nearly asleep then gently removing. If he cries replace and repeat. This takes patience and some nights I would remove 7-10 times before he fell asleep but gradually he was able to fall asleep by himself and stay that way for a while.
After another month he started to wake more frequently again. Now he wasn´t having a dummy and I wasn´t feeding him to sleep so what to do here? I returned to a method we used with our older son which I discovered from Tracy Hogg the baby whisperer. The pick up, put down method. Her you pick up the baby then place him back down (all the way down even if he´s crying) then repeat until he is calm and drifts off to sleep alone.
This last week he has been waking more again but now I just need to rub or pat his tummy and he goes back to sleep. Every night waking I do this until he sleeps. If he takes a long time to go to sleep or wakes again within 30 minutes, I give him a feed and make sure I finish the feed before he is asleep.
Here´s hoping they both sleep a full night (the same full night please) very soon. It may seem like a lot of work but it´s worth it when you are feeling sleep deprived. I´ve found it very hard especially when my husband has been travelling and I have to deal with ALL the wakings alone (sometimes both of them at the same time)!
I recommend both of the books I have used as they both have really good ways to help you teach your baby to sleep. Both use no-cry methods which I prefer. I would say though, each family is different, each baby too, only do what you can cope with and if it´s working for you and your family - then it´s just fine. Nobody else has to go through it every night and nobody else knows your baby like you do.
Good luck and good sleeps for all parents and babies :)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Books, world book day and reading

Happy World Book Day 2014

I love books and want to help my boys to love them too. I remember as a child going to get new books was one of the highlights. I hope my children feel the same way and I am starting lots of projects to encourage this behaviour.

This year I made my two boys a book each. As they are still very small this was ideal. Each page had a photograph of them with one line of text which I made up. For my eldest son I chose to write about the things he can do now he´s two as there have been several changes in his life recentley and I hope this will help him to see that he is growing and able to do so much more. For the baby, it was simply a picture book of his first months within our family.

I will give my boys a book each year on WorldBook Day (as well as other times of the year) in various formats and hope they look forward to this day. Someday I´m sure they will see hard copies of books and think it strange but I intend to keep passing my love of books onto my children.