In today's post I wanted to talk about the changes that happen to us as adults when we become parents. When our son was born neither me nor my husband had any idea of the things our child would teach us and how we must take full advantage of all the natural beauty in the world.
Last weekend we had a family trip to a nearby beach and fishing town. It is called Laguna and is about a 2 hour drive from us. We wanted to show our son some traditional fishing and Laguna is a special place to do this as the fishermen have expert help in the form of dolphins. Our son is really in to sea animals at the moment and we thought it would be a perfect place to take him to see some big sea animals in action and for free!
The moment we arrived he was off like a shot out of the car and running along the sand, happy to be free of his car seat and sitting position. He reached the edge of the water and while me and my husband were scanning the horizon for a glimpse of the dolphins our boy was already shouting 'whale, whale' (his word for anything in the sea) at the top of his lungs. We were so impressed with how quickly he could see them and identify them as something he knows.
We spent a few hours enjoying the dolphins and seeing the fish that had been caught before making our way to our hotel for a rest. While our son took his nap me and my husband began discussing his fast perception of things. We've noticed how he hears birds when we would hear nothing. He sees diggers from miles away and often tells us where the moon is at night.
The next morning we were up early (we are now very early risers) and as breakfast wasn't going to be served until 7.30am we decided to take a walk and see the sun rise and occupy our little guy to take his mind off food! The sun was just coming out of the sea as we reached the viewpoint and our little man got very excited before turning around and showing us the moon. He then went from the sun to the moon about 20 times with an expression of sheer pleasure. We too were thrilled to see such a beautiful scene which was enhanced by his joy.
As we walked back to the breakfast room our boy started telling us something. We stopped and listened and my husband said he could hear an owl. We listened for a while and realised it was coming from the ground. We glanced around and saw three small owls on a grassy patch. We would never have seen them had our boy not pointed out the sound.
When we got home we took the dog for a walk and continued to discuss how much our son is showing us. So much that we miss. While we were stood in the field watching our dog and boy running free we decided to listen hard and see how many sounds we could hear. Its amazing. I think we counted around 9 different sounds in what could be considered a noiseless field.
How often do we stop and listen? How much are we missing by staying in bed another hour or putting the TV on instead of sitting at the back door? It really made us think and we'll definitely be getting out the door and opening the windows to see what the world has to offer us.
Watch the dolphins in action on this BBC clip