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Friday, April 5, 2013

Art activities - chalking

Like drawing, this is another simple activity which aids the process of reading and writing. It is good to give a child different materials to do their mark making and chalk is another cheap option to crayons, pens and pencils.

We have done chalking both on a small chalk board where he can rub out his marks and repeat several times, as well as outside on the pavement or walls. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Art activities - drawing

A very simple activity which begins the journey to reading and writing. We usually have a quick drawing session each day. I try to sit down and do some drawing with my boy or write something while he has his crayons out such as the shopping list.

We have done many variations of drawing from small pieces of paper to giant ones to opening cardboard boxes on the floor and having a drawing marathon. It's all good practice for the future and our little boy just loves to scribble. He now sends daddy to work with a new picture each week and when he visits the office he can see the value his dad gives to his art work.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Art activities - gluing and sticking

Children love glue! It's another messy one but with the right planning you can reduce the mess stress and let your small people have a lot of fun. 

We use pvc child-safe glue. Ours came in an easy dispensable bottle but a tiny pot and a small paintbrush will do the job just as well.

We used different shapes as our boy is very interested in his shape sorted at the moment and we decided to use the opportunity to enhance his learning of shapes. You can use almost anything. Free magazines, flyers from the supermarket, wrapping paper or like us just some cut out shapes.

To make the activity even richer, we made one of the gluey pictures into a bookmark to give to our boys grandmother for her birthday!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Art activities - playdough

Today's post looks at playdough. 

This wasn't a very successful activity in our house which I believe could be down to the texture of the playdough. But don't let that put you off trying this cheap and easy activity! We'll be giving it another go in a week or two. 

The recipe
2 cups of flour
1 cup of salt
2 cups of water
2 tablespoons of oil
food colouring

Heat the ingredients in a pan over a low heat until they form a firm dough. Remove from the heat, allow to cool then add a few drops of food colouring and kneed the dough until the colour is spread evenly. 

This activity is great for teaching colours and when the child is older you can show them how to make new clours by mixing primary colours together!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Art Activities - Finger painting

To start our set of art activities we're kicking off with finger painting. This is a nice way to introduce your young child to paint and you can control the mess by limiting the amount of paint you use and by having a bowl of soapy water nearby!

I always give my boy one colour at a time as he is still young and gets a bit overwhelmed with more than one ending up with the paint going everywhere! This is an activity we have done with him since birth when we took hand and feet prints on a regular basis.

As Easter has been in the air we decided to use the finger prints to make little cards. It's always lovely to follow up an activity in this way as it makes it more purposeful. Even if the child knows they are painting a picture for someone, they will be more motivated with any activity.